Sunday, February 13, 2011


One of the elements that I found was key to creating a compelling experience through film/video was timing. This could definitely bridge over into teaching. Scenes that were long and drawn out became dull and could cause a loss of attention, yet others required the longer scene to tell the story. There is a value to examining our timing as educators. Are we moving along at a pace that will keep the student intrigued or are we drawing it out too long. It can be hard to tell when in the middle of a lesson. This is where I could see videotaping the lesson being a good reflection tool. I believe there is a lot to learn from watching ourselves in action. During the film editing process the editor is allowed time to reflect upon video clips to decide what needs to be included and what could be cut. Educators could also improve upon lessons through watching their own footage and seeing if there is an area that needs more emphasis or an area that could be cut.

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