Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Branding Education

What is it about branding that draws us in and affects our choices? Can we use this powerful tool in education?
As I read an article written by Eric Weiner titled “Consultants Develop Notion of Branding Nations these are the questions that came to mind. He interviews Sherif Sabri who states, "I am working now on a campaign about Egypt…I am branding Egypt." This may seem a bit ridiculous to some, but think about it. Have you seen the stickers on the back of vehicles such as “OBX” which stands for the Outerbanks of North Carolina? It is hip because you might only know that brand if you have been there to visit. This is one way that we brand a region. Another are the state commercial campaigns such as “Pure Michigan” that advertise tourism in the state. The reason branding draws us in is because we connect to it and it gives us something to relate to others by.
It might be the brand clothing you have on, a sticker on your car, or a button on your bag that draws a person to come up and say “Hey, I love that brand”. It can give a sense of belonging. Often people desire to share their interests and connect with others who may share the same likings. So how do we incorporate this pride of interest into education? I have always been a strong believer in building student confidence by recognizing their strengths. Not everyone will excel in every subject, but to know that you are good at something can really motivate. Maybe branding in this case would be to connect students with these similar interests. Maybe create a Math Club or Art Club within the classroom that could be branded giving students the opportunity to be creative (keeping in mind to create a plan that prevents student’s from being left out due to peers making decisions on who belongs in what club). Use acronyms for the clubs that gives an obscure meaning to create that sense of mystery for those who have not heard, such as the OBX stickers mentioned earlier.

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts, I like your ideas of using student strengths to connect them.
